Monday 9 September 2019

First Draft - The Great Reading Adventure

I have written about my class assembly . I am at the editing stage so you might see some mistakes . I am still working on it and will post my published writing next week.


Last week on Friday it was our assembly the great reading adventure. I was Iron man, Millan was Hulk, Kade was Captain America, Kevin was Black panther, Tumoana was Spider, man mason.l was Bat man, we were the Avengers. the main characters were Duffy and his annoying little brother Scruffy. the first scene was Duffy Scruffy and Duffy's friends they were Shikayla and Mia scene 2 was cat in the hat the cat in the hat was hori thing 1 was alini thing 2 was awhi. in every book they get up to all sorts of mistuefe scene 3 was Maori myths and legends. our legend was Maui and his brothers make the sun go slower maui  was Tiena the brothers were jai Larelle and kiran. scene 4 was the super hero's that was us we came up doing our moves once we got up to the stage we started jumping in the air, none of us were in time. we told jokes like What did Iron man say to Spider man don't bug me or how does Batman's mum call him for dinner Dina Dina Dina Dina Dina Dina Dina batman. next was non fiction space lions netball's and dinosaurs they looked so cool space was Edmond and Charlie dinosaurs were carrie Edward and Reina. lions were Cassidy and Mason.t netball was Lara scene 6 was harry potter they were Cleo Chase Liv and Tuvalisa they all hopped up said stuff about harry potter then when chase said 1...2...3 they all said wingdium leviosa. then we all got up and sang the Duffy song.

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