Thursday 13 August 2020

2020 SPEECH comp Zaviah

WALT: we are learning to write a persuasive

Hi, I'm Zav and I'm going to tell you about why I think pets should have the same rights as humans.

Humans need and animals need















We need to respect pets because they are loyal to us and things loyal should not be disrespected in the way they are. so in that manner pets should not be disrespected in the way they are treated pets are practically humans just in a different form. pets need to be treated well and have someone to love not be dumped on the side of the road. 

So I've been working with my free range chickens and I've been donating eggs to the spca for them to put in the raffle and help them find nice homes. 

Did you know there are 46 spca centers in NZ and they have helped over 46,000 neglected or dumped animals. 

me and mum worked at donna dolittles for free for a while she was very very very strict on who took care of the animal.          

 She would ask do you have time for this animal? Did you know Henry Bergh created Spca in 1866 on april 10th.

and at least 6.5 million pets enter the american animal shelter each year!!! 

Did you know Humans have made animals pets for thousands of years. 

We need to take good care of animals so they can survive and keep them fit, not all skinny and boney like my little pony, so they can survive the purge or zombie apocalypse  or something, the SPCA is responsible for protecting and caring for abandoned animals  so that's why I think pets should have the same respect as humans.

What do you think I could do to improve on my speech?

I think writing my speech was hard for me cause it was my first time making a speech and and

I think the

easy bit was presenting it to the class cause i know all my class mates and I know some!!! of them wont judge me for what ive writen .

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