WALT: we are learning about the moari myths and legends and the 7 stars of matariki.
matariki is a family of stars from papatuanuku toranginui they are the parents there are 7 sisters they are very entertaining papatuanuku said we need to calm our kids down. toranginui said i know they can be the resemblance for the moari new year. when they heard there job they were delighted to resemble something so they went to there positions to get ready they waited and waited and waited then one of the sisters said i'm getting bored. so they went to play just then the moari new year happend they saw fireworks and they were interested in them so they went down to earth to have fun. They realised that it was just a fire so they went back up to there parents and said this job is boring i am tired of this so they went to earth to live there and they landed on top of a hill and wanted to sing. They sang and sang there were 8 brothers that were hunting nearby they heard the singing and wanted to see what it is so they went to the top of the hill to find the 7 sisters they were so beautiful the brothers took them to there village to make them their wives. They got married and the 8 brothers were always fishing for their wives. Because they refused to eat anything but seafood the youngest brother was getting sospucios. He turned into an albatross and followed the 7 sisters he overheard there plan to starve the brothers so he went to warn the brothers and they made a plan. The next day they used a net to trap them so they went to the top of the hill then the sisters came up to sing in a split second they were trapped. then metai turned into an albatross and flew to papatuanuku and said can you take these people far far away further than the heavens. Every year they would give them a chance to show their beauty.