Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Tuna Kuwharuwharu - [Long Fin Eel]

This term we have been learning about the long fin eel. Our assembly item was based on the story Velvet and Elvis. This was a story about the migration journey that the long fin eel takes.

I have created 3 different digital learning objects [DLO] to share my learning on this topic. The first is a poster that I created in my topic book about the challenges that the long fin eel faces Whaea deb took a photo of my poster.

I created a eel life cycle with a google drawing.

I created a poster on google docs to share some interesting facts about the longfin eel. 

Friday, 21 June 2019

Blast Fast to the Past.

I am learning to use BANISH BORING WORDS resource to help me to use more interesting words in my writing

Check out the QUALITY words I chose for FAST SLOW and BIG!

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Rarangi Matihiko Waitangi Learning Trip

Last Tuesday my class got to school early. then we hopped on the bus and went to Waitangi, once we got there Whaea Monika  and Whaea Kerry greeted us. next they took us up stairs once we went through the room with a bunch of paintings we had a glimpse of the class room. then we put our shoes and our bags down at the side of the wall. next we sat down on the bean bags and pillows next we had a korero about Eels then we waited for Katelyn she bought rocks. i thought they were mysterious once Katleen told us that Maori used them i did not think they were mysterious  any more  I just thought they were just really special. next we said our opions my opion was a axe. once Katelyn left we started scratch when i went to the toilet wile i was walking trough the room with the paintings in it i was thinking there would be a giant painting of me when i got back to the classroom i was surprised that nobody was talking that was when i writ my 3rd fact it was that teen aged eels are called elvers. 

next we went to the cafe and saw the eels I named one buff head because he had a big head we were the second to last group then we went back to the bus and went back to school and cryed when we got home because we had to go. 

My Learning Goals